XAPP AI Celebrates Women’s History Month with our Director of Product Design Yina Smith-Danenhower. She’s a Harvard graduate, choreographer, architectural designer, UX designer, and now conversational designer.
Google says, “The role of a conversation designer is like that of an architect, mapping out what users can do in a space, while considering both the user’s needs and the technological constraints.” Her architecture background brings multiple perspectives and skills from a diverse experience to make an impact anywhere.
She’s leading design efforts for XAPP AI’s patented Optimal Conversation™ Framework, helping merge the power of AI powered intelligent search, and conversational AI.
Watch this 35-minute video where our Senior Solutions Architect Pete Haas interviews Yina. She discusses what challenges she faces, offers advice to help improve the overall experience, and shares tips to help not only women, but anyone looking to improve conversational UX.