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Can AI save your website dropoff?

Most self-service failures occur when prospects and customers can’t get the information they want from your website.  Ironically, you have what they’re looking for, but can’t surface knowledge quickly and easily on all channels.  When this happens, you risk losing those frustrated users, and driving them to competitors.

The customer journey is broken

Search and Chat experiences have a high failure rate.  Why?  Because users can’t consistently get answers to questions.

To fix this, you need better understanding of user requests, and improved search functionality for existing content. 


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* 44% of web site visitors can’t find the information they want that exists on the site. – Gartner 3 Flaws to Fix in Customer Self-service

Before becoming a customer, prospects search to find products and services.  If you have solid SEO, users will find your website. Now, they’re researching your site, and need to ask questions to educate themselves.

This is a fragile period; you need to quickly provide great self-service, and gain trust before being contacted.  Why?  Buyers prefer a seller- free experience until they’re ready.  After you’ve gained trust and confidence, a prospect may become a lead by engaging with you in the method they choose.  

Website search functionality and self-service virtual assistants have always had a symbiotic relationship, leading to the best possible user experience.  However, the solutions have historically been siloed from each other, creating alarming website drop-off, more calls into already over-burdened support teams, or complete loss of interest from the end-user. 

Introducing the Unified Knowledge Model

XAPP AI has taken on the customer self-service challenge with the recent release of our Unified Knowledge Model™.  Through AI-powered intelligent search combined with a conversational interface, users can surface information quickly on the channel of their choosing.  

Delight Customers

By breaking down knowledge silos, the end user can expect to receive relevant, accurate, and consistent information no matter where they choose to engage with your organization.  

Increase Deflection

Citizens and consumers want to self-serve, if your technology can support their needs, you will have created trust, and a better user experience while improving your operational efficiencies by improved containment rates. 

Improve Conversion Rates

Users lead with search activity, help convert these cohorts during this phase by improved responses to their questions and concerns leading to an ‘Ask and Get’ experience.  

 To learn more about XAPP’s Unified Knowledge Model, please complete this form, and someone will be in touch. 

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