October 15, 2019

No Better Friend and No Worse Enemy for Broadcasters – the Rise of Voice Assistants

Last month I met General Jim Mattis at the LIFT Summit where he told his story of why there is “No Better Friend and No Worse […]
September 4, 2019

Brands in the Age of Voice AI. Is Your Brand Fluent?

All digital interfaces will soon be conversational. Why? Because customers crave convenience and they want to be understood. Conversational AI interfaces give them the ability to […]
November 29, 2018

National Geographic, 360i, and XAPP Named Clio Award Gold Winner for Bravo Tango Google Action

National Geographic’s Bravo Tango (Brain Training) Google Action was recently recognized as a 2018 Clio Award Gold award winner. The Google Action was the winner in the Television/Streaming Category for Social Good. Since 1959, the Clio awards have recognized excellence for the “creative business,” and are a widely sought after accolade. 360i and XAPPmedia were listed respectively as the media and interactive agencies responsible for the project’s design, development and launch.
June 28, 2018

Implement Voice SEO on Amazon Alexa with Nameless Invocation

Amazon announced a new feature on May 30th that is designed to improve Alexa skill discovery. Nameless invocation, also known as CanFulfillIntentRequest, enables you to make […]
May 23, 2018

XAPPmedia and 360i Win People’s Voice Webby Award for National Geographic’s Bravo Tango

We knew from the beginning that working on National Geographic’s Bravo Tango Brain Training Google Action was going to be different. National Geographic was more focused on helping the type of military veterans portrayed in its television program The Long Road Home than promoting the show.
May 8, 2018

Watch Now: How Radio Can Succeed on Alexa Webinar

Smart speakers and voice assistants in general are turning out to be a more important consumer shift for radio than mobile. To give radio broadcasters a quick tutorial on how to succeed on Alexa, last week XAPPmedia held a 30-minute webinar which discussed key market data, listener stats and best practices related to putting radio on Alexa.
May 7, 2018

Love Sport Radio Launches 10 Fan Shows as Podcasts on Alexa and Google Assistant

LONDON, May 8, 2018 - LOVE SPORT, the broadcaster that took club podcasters to radio, today announced a collaboration with XAPPmedia to make 10 shows available to fans through Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant and the respective Echo and Google Home smart speakers. It is the first known portfolio of podcasts to be made simultaneously available on both Alexa and Google Assistant in the UK.
May 3, 2018

Inside Radio Highlights XAPP’s Webinar on Alexa and Radio

This week, XAPP hosted a webinar on the topic of how radio can succeed on Alexa. Inside Radio listened in and highlighted a few key points from the 30-minute session in a recent article this week. One of the main takeaways was that while voice assistants and smart speakers have brought radio back into the home, they will also be coming to the automobile faster than you think.
April 24, 2018

Alexa is Coming to the Car Faster Than You Think

Amazon’s Alexa is being adopted by car makers ranging from Ford and Toyota to BMW. Ford says 20 million cars will have Alexa access in 2018 and that is a good start. Those announcements show a trend, but new testing by Amazon may accelerate Alexa availability by introducing an Echo Dot model for cars.