

Image of the ChatGPT welcome screen on a mobile phone

ChatGPT: What Small Businesses Need to Know

Like any new technology, it’s important to weigh the risks before making an investment with an impact on operations. While ChatGPT may not be the right answer for your small business, the underlying technology holds opportunities for all businesses wanting to be here in the future.

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Photo of a golden retriever dog jumping into a body of water

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is the Operations Upgrade Your Business Needs

We’re living in a time when common business pain points like staffing and training can have uncommon solutions. Technology is creating new options that could not have existed just a couple of years ago. Sometimes the technology (or combination of technologies) enables solutions that were inconceivable just a couple of months ago. RAG has the potential to make the written word experiential, indexable, and immediately available for a variety of different use cases.

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image of a laptop with the ChatGPT welcome screen on it

Generative AI & ChatGPT for Digital Messaging

With Generative AI tools that range from supportive AI companions to Google Bard, which pulls information live from the web, companies today have the ability to choose very specific tools that best meet their very specific needs. When you start to dig in, it seems unlikely that every customer of every Conversational AI platform would have their needs best met by one single platform. What is infinitely more likely, and what we’re betting on at XAPP AI, is that the continued innovation in the Generative AI space is going to mean that what works for one company might not work for another.

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